One reward per order / review - not individual product reviews

3 votes

Hello -

First off, let me start by saying I love the app. It's a great tool for our business. With that being said, as we've set up our automations / customizations we identified a feature that would be very helpful for us and potentially many other stores.

We've been informed you do not send duplicate review automation email requests for those who have already reviewed product "x." But, if customer reviews product "x" then purchases product "y" in the future, we do not want to send a review request for product "y" because they already reviewed a product in our store previously. This will prevent us form generating and sending multiple reward codes to the same customer.

We believe this could be helpful for many other stores as well. Would probably save them some money along the way.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Under consideration Suggested by: Scott Upvoted: 28 Jan, '23 Comments: 0

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